All posts by The Editor

Happy Birthday MLK

Today we celebrate the birthday of the greatest civil rights leader in American history. Happy birthday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr!

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Baltimore City Still Under Curfew

5 days after riots broke out in response to the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody, the city of Baltimore is still under a curfew from 10 pm to 5 am. Many businesses are suffering in the Baltimore area as the city remains shutdown at night.

Peaceful Baltimore rally

For more information and news about the situation in Baltimore, click here.

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Audio of the Michael Brown Shooting Released!

There is new evidence that has emerged in the Michael Brown shooting case in Ferguson. This new evidence is an audio recording in which the shots fired by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson can be heard in the background. In the audio recording, Darren Wilson’s gun can be heard as he blasted at least 10 shots at unarmed teenager Michael Brown.

You can listen to the audio of the Michael Brown shooting by watching the video below:

Please post your comments about this audio recording and your opinions on how it affects the Michael Brown shooting case and investigation.

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Full Video of St. Louis Shooting of Kajieme Powell

This the full video of the St. Louis shooting of Kajieme Powell. The police brutality in Ferguson continues as this was the 2nd young black man shot in that area recently. The St. Louis Police shot and killed 23-year-old Kajieme Powell, less than four miles from where police shot and killed unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown. This time it was two cops on scene both with guns and I feel they could have taken the guy down without killing the suspect.

You can watch the full video below but be warned that it is graphic:

Please post your comments on this site. I want to know if you think the police did right or was this another example of police brutality.

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The Police Brutality in Ferguson is Out of Control

The police in Ferguson are out of control. It is reported that they have arrested and assaulted news reporters as well as peaceful protesters. News reporters say they yelled at the police to make them aware that they were news reporters but rubber bullets and tear gas was still used on them. All of this is part of the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting.

In the following video, we comment on the police brutality in Ferguson and the Michael Brown shooting:

For recommended reading on police brutality, please click here!

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Recommended Reading: Books on Police Brutality

Police brutality is something that the black society has been dealing with for decades. The use of excessive force by police is becoming more common today as seen in the Ferguson case. This issue is nothing new and has been discussed in our music, our protests and in several books on the subject of police brutality.

Below are some recommended books on the subject of police brutality:

Click here for top rap songs about police brutality.

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Black Minister Calls Out Protesters and Leaders in Ferguson

A black minister by the name of Jonathan Gentry has made new by posting a video rant about what is going on in Ferguson, Missouri after the Michael Brown shooting. In his rant, Jonathan Gentry calls for the rioter and protesters to change their behavior. He has also publicly called out some of the black leaders that show up at these racial incidents such as Rev. Al Sharpton

Here Jonathan Gentry goes on national TV to discuss his opinions:


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Eyewitness Tells Her Story of Michael Brown Shooting in Ferguson, Missouri

Tiffany Mitchell, an eyewitness to the Michael Brown shooting, tells what happened when Michael Brown was shot to death by a Ferguson police officer.

There have been protest and riots almost every night since the Michael Brown shooting took place. The excessive force and tear gas used by Ferguson police officers has led to President Barack Obama commenting on this intense situation.

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