Who is Joseph Kony?

If you have never heard of Joseph Kony, you will probably hear about him soon. There is a movement called Kony 2012 to make his name a household name until he is brought to justice. Joseph Kony is the leader of the LRA which stands for the Lord’s Resistance Army. The LRA is a group of guerilla fighting rebels known for abducting children and forcing them to either fight in his army or become sex slaves.

Joseph Kony is the leader of this group which also is known throughout Africa for committing atrocities over the last 3 decades. Kony was born in Uganda in 1964 and is now currently in his 40’s. The Kony 2012 movement is determined to put a stop to his campaign of murder and terror. The video below gives you more info about Joseph Kony and the LRA.

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